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Product Manager/Planner
Media Planer
Data Center Engineer
Operations Manager
Windows Live Spaces编辑 (Vendor)
WAP/MMS/SMS Product manager
Wireless Sales, Regional Managerr
Business Development Manager (商务拓展经理)
Executive Assistant
New! Wireless Sales, Regional Manager
New! Direct Sales Manager
Intern – Marketing Dept
Software Development Engineer
Senior Software Development Engineer

WAP/MMS/SMS Product manager
Job Title:
WAP/MMS/SMS Product manager
Job Number:
RA 000060

Responsible for the daily maintenance/operation of WAP/MMS/SMS, including product design, product optimize, promotion, user experience analyze, ensure all product service meet the KPI and revenue target content;负责WAP/MMS/SMS产品的日常运营工作,包括产品设计、产品优化、运营推广、用户体验研究等工作,保证产品的关键数据指标达到公司要求,确保完成产品收入目标;;

Responsible for explore new promotion channel about WAP/MMS/SMS service, work out a implementation plan, and go to marketing.负责开拓新的产品推广渠道,制定推广计划,实施和完善推广流程

Responsible for the competitive research, analysis and submit related product analysis report; 负责行业政策研究与竞争对手分析,定期提交产品分析报告

Responsible for the plan and design of new products, search other new growth points.负责规划、设计新产品,寻找新的业务增长点

Familiar with the operation and process of wireless value-added service, at least 2 years of experience in wireless service providers or related businesses.有丰富的无线业务行业经验,有两年以上知名SP公司产品经理或产品策划相关工作经验;

Familiar with thorough understanding of China wireless value added product market, and management system, Familiar with the service model and development direction in China Mobile/China Unicom.熟悉无线增值业务运营管理体系与流程,熟悉移动、联通增值服务运营模式和业务发展方向;

familiar with the product design, product application process and other operation flow 熟悉无线产品的设计、申报、运作流程;

With Strong marketing sense ,good communication skills and teamwork spirit有强烈市场意识,良好的沟通能力和语言表达能力,优秀的团队合作精神;.

With strong accountability and responsibility, can work under great work pressure具有较强的责任心和使命感,能够承担较大的工作压力
申请此职位,请投递您的中英文简历至 (Please send your CV to): msnjvhr@microsoft.com. 并请您务必将其感兴趣的职位编号以-“JOD NUMBER: RA 000060” 的形式放在发出的电子邮件的标题结尾处。
请在邮件标题中注明你所要申请的职位代码。 请在简历上注明申请职位名称。 请将你的简历写好后拷贝/粘贴到你的 email 中,不要在 email 后附带任何文件。


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