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国人热捧奢侈品 劳斯莱斯中国凑热闹 Rolls-Royce takes China road

来源:SMGBB 时间:2006-12-21 14:03
Iconic car maker Rolls-Royce is gearing up for China's voracious appetite for luxury brands.
The Peninsula Hotel in Hong Kong has just bought 14 Rolls-Royce Phantoms, the world's largest single order ever. The Phantom's retail price is about US$400,000, but comes in at about twice that after tax in both Hong Kong and China.
Iconic car maker Rolls-Royce is gearing up for China's voracious appetite for luxury brands.
The Peninsula Hotel in Hong Kong has just bought 14 Rolls-Royce Phantoms, the world's largest single order ever.
The Phantom's retail price is about US$400,000, but comes in at about twice that amount after tax in both Hong Kong and China.
Ian Robertson, CEO, Rolls-Royce: "Needless to say, per head, we do believe this is the highest density of Rolls Royce anywhere in the world. From that perspective, adding 14 more more very visible cars to that fleet is something very special for us."
The hotel has driven Rolls-Royce cars since 1970. Its fleet includes a Silver Ghost that was originally owned by the Indian Maharajah of Patiala. The legendary car still takes part in historic rallies.
Sir Michael Kadoorie, chairman of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Hotels and motor enthusiast:
"The Maharajas in India, as you know, were very discerning. And they also had to be able to support the lifestyle that allowed them to have many cars. Of course, they knew exactly what they wanted. So some cars were designed for shooting, some were designed for ceremonial occasions, and many of them survived."
But China has now overtaken Japan as Roll-Royce's biggest Asian market for new Phantoms.
Ian Robertson, CEO, Rolls-Royce: "China is our fastest growing market in the world today, and sales are between 60 and 70 percent higher than they were in 2005. It will become our third largest market as a result. So much so, we are about to put another three dealers into China, which will bring our total to seven."
Rolls-Royce recently sold its most expensive car yet to a Beijing property developer, who paid US$2 million for his custom-made Phantom.
The Rolls-Royce was the popular choice among Indian royalty. The luxury brand now enjoys a more recent relationship with the Chinese. In fact, we could see a lot more these on the roads in China.
Nina Mehra reporting.


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